Manage Catalog

Catalogue management provides a common platform for the selection of graphs and storing them as a catalogue. The catalogue means the collection of items in a systematic manner. Here, collection of items is the collection of graphs. This catalogue is saved at a common place, so that it can be used with different modules of Dashboard, such as Favorites, Alert, Template, and Pattern Matching by just importing the catalogue as per requirements.

This section contains a list of catalogues with details, such as catalogue name, graph type, description, created by, created on, and actions.

  • You can add a catalogue.
  • You can delete or edit a catalogue.
  • You can download the details in Word, PDF, or Excel format.
  • You can apply column filters and configure which columns to show/hide.
Figure 230: Catalogue Management

Add a catalogue

Click the Add Catalogue button and go to the Add/Edit Catalogue tab.

Figure 231: Edit Catalogue

Provide the following details:

  • Catalogue Detail: Provide catalogue information, such as Catalogue Name and Catalogue Description.
Figure 232: Catalogue Detail
  • Chart Details: It includes the Selected Metric type as provided. By default, it is selected to be as Normal while adding a new Catalogue. In the case of derived, provide the Derived Name of the added derived Graphs.


Figure 233: Chart Details

Select Graphs: It contains the scope to select the graphs.

  • If the graph type is Normal, then select the graphs in normal mode (without performing any mathematical operation unlike derived graphs.
Figure 234: Select Metrics
  • If the selected group is vector based, there are two options – All or Specified. For Specified, there are further two options:
    • Specified Indices Selection: Add the indices by using the Add button.
    • Advanced Indices Selection: Select the Tier, Server, and Instance.
  • Tabular: This displays the graph data (such as Graph/Derived Name, Metrics/ Indices_Derived_Formula, and Metric Type) in tabular format.